Bangladesh Health Watch (BHW) in collaboration with Chatham House and UNICEF hosted a roundtable discussion with the engagement of civil society actors working for the improvement of the health sector. The program was held on 14th September, 2022 at BRAC University auditorium. The roundtable discussion was focused on the perspectives on opportunities, challenges, and priorities in health financing, human resources for health at the primary health care (PHC) level. Globally renowned public health professionals, representatives from UNICEF, and well-acclaimed think tank Chatham House were present at the roundtable discussion event.
Chatham House is an independent policy institute and well-known think tank, also known as Royal Institute of International affairs situated in London. Their purpose is to discuss emerging issues and Universal Health Coverage is one of them.
The discussants discussed the challenges faced by civil society working with policymakers and solutions. The experts talked about more collaboration and future ventures to explore.
The roundtable came up with several recommendations for ensuring Universal Health Coverage. The recommendations are,
The aim of the roundtable is to engage civil society on the key priorities, opportunities, and challenges for UHC implementation in Bangladesh. Since Bangladesh is committed to achieving Universal Health Coverage by 2032, this roundtable was a need of the minute.
Citizen's Voice