Policy Advocacy

Bangladesh Health Watch (BHW) undertakes planned policy advocacy activities to hold the government accountable on its major health commitments. Evidence from research, reviews and appraisals is communicated to policy planners, programme managers, and the public to generate debate and discussion. A wide array of communication channels including print, electronic and social media, forums, and events is utilised for dissemination.

BHW uses multiple approaches to their advocacy efforts.

  • Advising on policy gaps or problems, through producing new empirical evidence to assist policy stakeholders in decision-making.
  • Establishing civil society platforms for bringing grassroots voices of healthcare providers and users to the national level.
  • Media campaign to support evidence-based advocacy as well as to monitor government commitments and actions in the health sector.
  • Building coalitions and lobbying with decision-makers.
  • Using legal provisions for improving quality of specific areas of health services.

Advocacy with the government:

Opinion Exchange on Health BudgetOpinion Exchange on Health Budget
BHW's recommendation to 5th SIPBHW's recommendation to 5th SIP
Advocacy MeetingAdvocacy Meeting
Dissemination of Research findings of the study: “Collecting community feedback on public health care services in selected areas of Bangladesh”Dissemination of Research findings of the study: “Collecting community feedback on public health care services in selected areas of Bangladesh”
Health sector needs Tk 80b more: Ex-governor Atiur RahmanHealth sector needs Tk 80b more: Ex-governor Atiur Rahman
Pre-budget dialogue organized by BHW and UnSy at The Daily StarPre-budget dialogue organized by BHW and UnSy at The Daily Star
Pre-budget online dialogue session: Speakers for increasing health budgetPre-budget online dialogue session: Speakers for increasing health budget
BHW requests for ensuring vaccination for the marginalized populations under the current country-wide vaccination programVaccination Of Hijras English
দেশব্যাপী চলমান টিকা প্রদান কর্মসূচির আওতায় প্রাথমিক জনগোষ্ঠীর জন্য টিকা নিশ্চিতকরনের জন্য অনুরোধ জানাচ্ছে বাংলাদেশ হেলথ ওয়াচVaccination Of Hijras Bangla
Bangladesh Health Watch welcomes easing of Covid vaccination processBHW Thanks Letter English
কোভিড টিকাদান কর্মসূচিকে সহজ করার বিষয়টিকে বিএইচডব্লিউ স্বাগত জানায়BHW Thanks Letter Bangla
Recommendation for a 3-month gap between the two doses of the Oxford AstraZeneca (AZD1222) VaccineLetter on vaccination March 28, 2021
অক্সফোর্ড অ্যাস্ট্রাজেনেকা (এজেডডি১২২২) টিকার দুই ডোজের মধ্যবর্তী ব্যবধানের সময় তিন মাস নির্ধারণ করার জন্য সুপারিশLetter on vaccination Bangla March 28, 2021
Ensuring vaccination for the marginalized populationsLetter To DG Health English 16.06.21
প্রান্তিক জনগোষ্ঠীকে টিকা প্রদানLetter To DG Health Bangla 16.06.21
First dose-second dose match and mix of Covid-19 vaccinesFirst dose-second dose match and mix of Covid-19 vaccines english 05-07-2021
কোভিড-১৯ টিকার ক্ষেত্রে মিশ্র ডোজের কার্যকারিতাFirst dose-second dose match and mix of Covid-19 vaccines bangla 05-07-2021

Citizen's Voice