Networking ngos and cso meeting

Networking ngos and cso meeting

  • November 22, 2021
  • netrokona
Networking ngos and cso meeting

On 22nd November 2021, a meeting with local CSO has been organized. representatives from different NGOs like: BRAC, SHERA, BNPS, Red crescent, social and cultural groups representatives like: Shotodal, Mitali and Udici have participated. Deputy Civil Surgeon also participated along with other health representatives.

In open discussion session some issues has been raised by participants they are as follows:


  • OCC should be open for 24/7 and should increase the collaboration with health department.
  • Should activate all community clinics and should increase the monitoring.
  • Should improve the hospital waste management.
  • District hospital does not provide initial medical treatment for emergency case and refers to Mymensingh.
  • There are huge lack of information disclosure system in hospital.
  • Pathology department should be open for 24/7.
  • Number of doctors should be increased in emergency services.
  • Should be a cardiologist in district hospital.
  • All information of hospital should be disclosed in Bangla.
  • Medial representative shouldn’t allow in emergency room.
  • Increase the cooperation between civil surgeon and hospital supervisor.
  • Some basic issues like shortage of doctors and need of stretcher, ambulance and wheel chair along with pathology equipment should be shared with local Member of Parliament.

DCS Mr. Avizit Loho has given the concluding speech and he said that we have lot of achievement along with many challenges. We have to work for the challenges. More over sometimes it is not the medicine and equipment support all that is needed is just little bit respect and care for patients.

Citizen's Voice