Available literature and public discourse clearly reveal public expenditure for health sector in Bangladesh is lower than generally expected for a ‘soon to become developing country’. In this context, a study with the overarching goal of ‘analyzing and assessing overall allocations and spending of national health budget as well as measuring the extent of reflection of election manifesto commitments in the health budget by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh’ was conducted and its report shared with stakeholders in 2021. Along with analyzing the over-the-years trend in public resources allocation for health sector in Bangladesh, the said study especially focused on the National Budget for FY 2021-22. This study, with the intention of further informing the public discourse about health sector allocations in national budget of Bangladesh- has updated the findings from the previous study. It has also attempted to further pinpoint the recommendations regarding the extent of budget increase required and which sub-sectors/avenues of public expenditure cab be prioritized for better results. It is expected the findings/recommendations from this study can be utilized in advocacy for better public expenditure for health sector in Bangladesh.
Citizen's Voice