BHW reports

Bangladesh Health Watch published eight reports and the first report published in December 2006. The reports have been published on the issues: Sate of Health in Bangladesh (2006), Health Workforce (2007), Health Sector Governance (2009), Universal Health Coverage (2011), Urban Health Scenario on Bangladesh (2014), Non-Communicable Diseases (2016), Humanitarian Crisis in Rohingya Camps: A Health Perspective (2018-2019). Covid-19 in Bangladesh: The first two years and looking ahead (2020-2021), State of Professional Public Health Education in Bangladesh (2023-2024).

Report on Climate Change Induced Mental Health Problems in the Coastal Region of Bangladesh

Covid-19 in Bangladesh: The first two years and looking ahead (2020-2021)

Humanitarian Crisis in Rohingya Camps: A Health Perspective (2018-2019)

Non-Communicable Diseases: Current Scenario and Future Directions (2016)

Urban health Scenario in Bangladesh: Looking Beyond (2014)

Moving Towards Universal Health Coverage (2011)

How Healthy is Health Sector Governance? (2009)

Health Workforce in Bangladesh: Who constitutes the Healthcare System? (2007)

Sate of Health in Bangladesh (2006): Challenges of Achieving Equity in Health

Citizen's Voice